vaccination campaign – All Otsego


vaccination campaign


Cooperstown will halt enforcement of mask ordinance

Cooperstown will halt enforcement of mask ordinance By Greg Klein • Special to COOPERSTOWN – The village of Cooperstown will stop enforcing its mask mandate as it waits for the state to rescind Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders on the coronavirus pandemic. The village’s Board of Trustees debated the issue at the end of a three-hour meeting Monday, May 24, in the village board room at 22 Main St., but decided against calling a public hearing on revoking the…


Rejoining The World

Rejoining The World By JIM KEVLIN • Special to A decade ago, Kent Turner was working in the kitchen at Oneonta’s B-Side Ballroom, the popular nightspot, when he noticed a vivacious woman and her girlfriends were becoming regulars. “We starting talking,” said Kent, and one thing led to another. “She had a heart of gold.” Kent and Jackie fell in love. Soon, the couple was attending Oneonta’s Community Gospel Church. For seven happy years, “she was really helpful in…


Still, Many won’t Take Vaccination

Still, Many Won’t Take Vaccination By MIKE FORSTER ROTHBART & JIM KEVLIN • Special to With 39.5 percent, or 23,588 of our Otsego County neighbors, having received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, the focus is turning to people who are adamant about doing without. About 25 percent of us, 16,242, have completed the two shot-cycle. (Tuesday, April 13, Governor Cuomo suspended use of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson option.) “Anybody who’s refusing to get a vaccine…


PLIMPTON: Dreams Park Orders C-19 Shots – For 12-Year-Olds?

LETTER from JODI PLIMPTON-WERSTEIN Dreams Park Orders C-19 Shots – For 12-Year-Olds? To the Editor: Last week, parents of athletes looking to attend the Cooperstown Dreams Park experience this summer, were notified that in order to participate, they will be requiring proof of vaccination for anyone 12 years old and up. Anyone under 12 years old, simply has to provide proof of negative test (however, they did not give a timeframe for how recent that test needed to be). As…


STERNBERG: Rotary Edges Toward In Person Meetings

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Rotary Edges Toward In Person Meetings There comes a time in the history of an epidemic when the risk of discomfort, disability and death begins to be outweighed by the risks of continued isolation and continued restrictions on normal societal behavior. If we can stay the course on the rate of vaccinations that we’ve seen lately since the mega-sites opened, we can soon reach that point. The CDC has indicated that if all the individuals in…


Bassett Hits Home Run

Bassett Hits Home Run Goal Is 120,000 Shots In One Hundred Days State Approves ‘Massive Vaccination Site’ In SUNY Oneonta, To Begin On Thursday By JIM KEVLIN • Special to In a “vaccine desert,” suddenly there’s an oasis. After weeks of lobbying and some heightened expectation, it’s here: Bassett Healthcare Network announced Tuesday afternoon, March 16, that a COVID-19 “massive vaccination site” would be opening two days later, the 18th, in SUNY Oneonta’s Dewar Field House. The clinic, staffed…


HYMAN: It Looks Like It’s Only Going To Get Better

LETTER from CHARLES HYMAN It Looks Like It’s Only Going To Get Better It’s time for hope. The fact that we now have two incredibly effective COVID vaccines approved by the FDA (with more on the way) is amazing and heartening to me. Those responsible for that speedy development with such fantastic efficacy deserve high praise, and our thanks. Let’s talk about what comes next. • Understanding the Shot The remarkable speed of development of these COVID vaccines makes some…


STERNBERG: If Offered J&J Vaccine, Take It, Stop 3rd Wave

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG If Offered J&J Vaccine, Take It, Stop 3rd Wave This past Sunday the Director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) approved the use of the COVID-vaccine produced by Janssen/Johnson & Johnson. The day before the FDA determined that the vaccine was safe and effective for the prevention of COVID-19 and gave it an EUA (emergency use authorization). On Monday, the state Task Force unanimously recommended its use. The entire current inventory of 3.9…


County Still Awaits Vaccine

Herzig, Bliss Frustrated County Still Awaits Vaccine By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to For now, Otsego County is not getting the COVID-19 vaccines it should, according to Mayor Gary Herzig and county board Chairman David Bliss. Both men represent the county on the Mohawk Valley Regional Control Room, which briefs local officials weekly on the state’s COVID-19 response. The county’s not getting “proportionate distribution,” the amount based on its relative population to the rest of the state, Herzig said…