



Up On Hawthorne Hill by Richard DeRosa On Cutting Back This is the time of year when several things cross my mind. I think of those lines in Frost’s wonderful poem, “After-Apple Picking,” where he admits to being “… overtired /Of the great harvest I myself desired.” Not that we are burdened with a “great harvest” up here on the hill, but we do maintain a hefty assortment of gardens, among them two sizable vegetable gardens that meet most of…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Teens Take On Otsego Outdoors Hiking Challenge 06-26-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for  FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Teens Take On Otsego Outdoors Hiking Challenge OUTDOORS CHALLENGE – 2 p.m. Teens meet to participate in LEAF’s Great Otsego Outdoors Challenge, the summer hiking challenge featuring an Otsego County trail each week. Total of 8 hikes with 4 bonus hikes. Meet at Club Odyssey, 80 Water St., Oneonta. 607-353-7143 or visit…