Veterans’ Day – All Otsego


Veterans' Day


NBHoF Class of 2022 Vets Honored

NBHoF Class of 2022 Vets Honored By TED MEBUST COOPERSTOWN – In keeping with tradition, the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum recognized the military service of 2022 inductees Gil Hodges and Buck O’Neil with a ceremony in its plaque gallery on Veteran’s Day. Before a crowd of NBHoF-goers and a Cooperstown Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard, the pair became the 69th and 70th members to bear a special medallion below their nameplates, indicating the details of their…


From Cooperstown to Iraq

From Cooperstown to Iraq By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to Lieutenant Colonel Sean Hill is a Cooperstown High School graduate who bore the responsibility of being in charge of young men in combat as a member of the Army for 20 years. He is now stationed in Canada but has been all over the world, going wherever his responsibilities as a member of the United States Army took him. “I had no idea what I wanted to do,” Lieutenant…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Walk with the Glimmerglass Film Days 11-11-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Walk with the Glimmerglass Film Days VETERANS DAY! FOREST WALK – 9 – 10:30 a.m. Enjoy a pleasant stroll and learn about ‘The Forest from the Ground Up’ with Jeff O’Handley. Walk will focus on the forest floor and how it supports everything above. Registration required. In conjunction with Glimmerglass Film Days. Presented by Otsego County Conservation Association. Meet at gate of Clark Tower Trail, Beaver Meadow Rd., Cooperstown. 607-547-4488 or visit ARCHITECTURE WALK…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Salute to Veterans with the Oneonta Community Concert Band 11-07-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Salute to Veterans with the Oneonta Community Concert Band VETERAN SALUTE – 3 p.m. Join the Oneonta Community Concert Band for a patriotic concert saluting our Veterans. Free, open to the public. Pandemic protocols will be observed. Foothills Performing Art Association, Oneonta. 607-376-7485 or visit…


Baseball Hall Offers Vets Free Entry Until Nov. 30

Baseball Hall Offers Vets Free Entry Until Nov. 30 COOPERSTOWN – In honor of Veterans’ Day, all veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces will be admitted free to the Baseball Hall of Fame, 25 Main St., from today through Nov. 30. Veterans can reserve tickets online through the Museum’s timed ticketing program at Walk-up tickets are also available at the Museum, with guests being given the first available timed ticketing slot. You will be asked to provide:…


A House Full Of Heroes Survived

A House Full Of Heroes Survived By TERRY BERKSON • Special to RICHFIELD SPRINGS – At a Vets’ Club dinner several years ago, Jim Andrecheck, who lives in South Columbia just outside of Richfield Springs, began to tell stories about his combat experiences during World War II. What was amazing to hear was that he had four more brothers who had comparable harrowing experiences – and they all lived to tell about them. • ► THOMAS, AIRPLANE MECHANIC IN…

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