views from around the state – All Otsego


views from around the state


Views From Around The State: August 12, 2021

Views From Around The State August 12, 2021 From: The Albany Times Union Editorial Board One could almost detect a faint “nyah-nyah” between the lines of last Thursday’s announcement that, now that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost his sweeping pandemic emergency powers, school districts are on their own when it comes to reopening in September. So there. Health Commissioner Howard Zucker didn’t put it quite that way, of course. Instead, he couched his abdication of duty in more bureaucratic terms,…


Views From Around The State: August 5, 2021

Views From Around The State August 5, 2021 Governments need to refocus on coronavirus By The Albany Times Union Editorial Board: New York did a solid job beating back the coronavirus after it took hold here 16 months ago, and for all the sacrifice it took, the state has opened up again. But now there are signs we are losing ground, as a state government that so ably fought the pandemic seems to have lost its laser focus, and too…


Views Around New York: May 13, 2021

Views Around New York Albany should make jail reform a priority From: Sochie Nnaemeka and TeAna Taylor. special to the Utica Observer-Dispatch. There’s no doubt that Albany is undergoing a transformation. Voters across the state turned out in record numbers to elect Democratic and Working Families champions to the Legislature last year, winning super-majorities in both houses. And this April, the results were made clear: New York passed a budget that provides historic funding to our public school students, tenants,…