village elections – Page 2 – All Otsego


village elections - Page 2


COVID-19 Crisis Makes Impact On Local Races

COVID-19 Crisis Makes Impact On Local Races COOPERSTOWN – Village trustee candidate MacGuire Benton announced a few minutes ago he is suspending door-to-door campaigning because of concerns about coronavirus. “It’s an unfortunate and difficult decision to make, as I am committed to knocking on every door and talking to as many voters as possible,” he said.  “But it’s the right things to do during this COVID-19 crisis.” Meanwhile, candidate Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns said this morning she has contacted the…


STERNBERG: Trustee Backs Colleagues In March 18 Village Polling

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Trustee Backs Colleagues In March 18 Village Polling To the Editor: I endorse and urge you to go out and vote for Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh and Trustee MacGuire (Mac) Benton for re-election and Trustee Joe Membrino for election to the Cooperstown Village Board. I have worked with all of them on the board, on village committees and other boards, and in other endeavors, and they have all been selfless in their positions, working for the best…


3 Democratic Candidates Seek Separate Independent Lines

Village Board Races Shaping Up 3 Democratic Candidates Seek Separate Independent Lines COOPERSTOWN – Joining Republican Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns, the three Democratic incumbents for Village Board filed for independent lines on the March 18 ballot by the 5 p.m. deadline Tuesday evening. In addition to having her name on the Democratic ballot line, Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch will appear on the “Village United” line.  Trustee Joe Membrino’s line is “Liberty Party,” and Trustee MacGuire Benton’s, “Many Voices, One Village.”…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, MAR. 5 Village Candidates Debate CANDIDATES NIGHT – 7 – 9 p.m. Candidates for the village elections debate issues and answer questions from the audience. Moderated by the League of Women Voters. Village Meeting Room, Cooperstown Village Library. Call 607-547-2853 or visit BOOK CLUB – 6 – 7 p.m. Mindfulness club discusses “Being Peace” by Thich Naht Hanh. The Green Toad Bookstore, 198 Main St., Oneonta. Call 607-433-8898 or visit…