Village Trustees – All Otsego


Village Trustees


Smith: Residents: What Viewing Platform?

Many people wrote letters and conversed with village trustees to share their concern. Many people showed up to the March 25 village meeting. Once the conversation was raised openly, it became quite clear that most people in the village were as surprised as I was that this public works project was happening and most were not in favor of it for a variety of reasons.…


Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal

Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal COOPERSTOWNCooperstown’s Board of Trustees heard the summary of a zoning application by Templeton Foundation on behalf of Bassett Healthcare from Joseph Piraino and Scott Freeman of Keplinger Freeman Associates, a landscape architectural and land planning firm based in East Syracuse, during their monthly meeting on November 28. Templeton Foundation representatives Kendra Beers-Capraro and Bob Zaleski were also present and gave information on the proposed housing development. Surveys were completed amongst hospital staff to decide which…


Camera Policy on Hold for Now

Camera Policy on Hold for Now COOPERSTOWN – At the November meeting of the Cooperstown Village Board of Trustees, a public hearing was held on a proposed policy for the installation and operation of cameras to monitor activity occurring in public places within the village. The policy was discussed at length and, following public comments, the board took a vote which failed to pass. A committee comprised of Trustees Cindy Falk, Richard Sternberg and Joe Membrino has been tasked to…


C’town Trustees Ban Smoking, Vaping on Main Street Sidewalks

C’town Trustees Ban Smoking,Vaping on Main Street Sidewalks By Caspar Ewig In a lightly attended Cooperstown Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, October 24, the trustees voted to ban smoking cigarettes and vaping for all tourists and visitors, as well as local residents, while walking on the sidewalks of the business district of Cooperstown’s Main Street. The 7:30 p.m. public hearing was set to address an amendment to Chapter 233-3 A of the Village Code. The Proposed Local Law 8…


Our View: Move forward on housing in Cooperstown

Our View Move forward on housing in Cooperstown One would like to believe that Cooperstown, once referred to as “America’s Favorite Hometown,” is a thriving, dynamic community. A walk down Main Street in July or August, with crowds of people swarming the streets and shops, would suggest that it is indeed as billed. The same walk in January or February, with darkened, shuttered store fronts and empty parking spaces, would offer a very different impression. When the remarkable increase in…


Youth Has Its Day At Village Hall

Youth Has Its Day At Village Hall Benton, Now Bergene, Trustees Under Age 30 By JIM KEVLIN • Special to Newly elected Village Trustee Hannah Bergene was already sold on Cooperstown. But her first Induction Weekend working for the Chamber of Commerce – in 2015, the Randy Johnson and Pedro Martinez year – she got sold all over again. Baseball fans were jammed onto the front steps of Chamber headquarters in that yellow-and-white cottage at 31 Chestnut St., trying…


HAZZARD: Bergene Supported Businesses

LETTER from MATT HAZZARD Bergene Supported Businesses To the Editor: It is a true honor to write to you today and encourage residents to get out and support Hanna Bergene as trustee for the Village of Cooperstown. I had the distinct privilege to work alongside Hanna during her tenure at the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce. For more than three years, Hanna worked diligently on behalf of both the businesses and residents of our community. On a daily basis her tireless…


FALK: ‘It Takes A Village Moment’ Inspires Candidate Falk

LETTER from CINDY FALK ‘It Takes A Village Moment’ Inspires Candidate Falk To the Editor: Saturday I had one of those “It Takes a Village” moments. I offered a ride to a friend to the vaccination clinic at the Clark Sports Center. Sitting with her in a folding chair on the gym floor, I remembered just how special our community is. We have a teaching hospital right here in Cooperstown, we have an amazing recreational facility and, most important, we…


Plant 30 Trees A Year in Cooperstown, Survey Recommends

DECEMBER MEETING • COOPERSTOWN TRUSTEES Plant 30 Trees A Year In Village, Survey Suggests By PATRICK WAGER • Special to COOPERSTOWN – As many as 30 new trees a year could be planted in Cooperstown starting in 2020, according to Village Trustee Cindy Falk. “Right now we’re planting about a half a dozen trees a year,” she said. The Davey Resource Group of Kent, Ohio, just released a survey of the village’s 1,897 trees, with a proposed maintenance schedule…