Webb Management Services – All Otsego


Webb Management Services


Consultant To Give Final Report on Oneonta Theatre Next Tuesday

5-Year Business Plan Due For Oneonta Theatre Fans By LIBBY CUDMORE – Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – The consultants at Webb Management will give their final recommendations for a five-year business plan for the Oneonta Theatre at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19 at Foothills. The performing arts management consultants, who shared their initial findings in December, will report on their study of the local demographics and tourism data for our area and region, and give an overview of their recommendations…


Consultant: Save Oneonta Theatre, Let Foothills Help

Consultant: Save Oneonta Theatre, Let Foothills Help By JENNIFER HILL • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – The Oneonta Theatre is worth saving. Duncan Webb, found of Webb Management Services, the premier consultant on revitalizing and managing historic theaters, told a gathered audience at Foothills that the 121 year old theater, now owned by Tom Cormier, was viable, and recommended that it be renovated and “aligned with the downtown” in helping to attract visitors who shop and stay in hotels in Oneonta.…


Can Oneonta Theater Survive? Consultants Will Report Findings

Can Oneonta Theater Survive? Consultants Will Report Findings Public Meeting At Foothills Dec. 17 ONEONTA – Duncan Webb of Webb Management Services and his team of consultants, who have spent the past six months assessing whether the Oneonta Theater can be a successful performance venue, will report their findings at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, in the Foothills Atrium. The public is welcome at the public presentation, with Q&A to follow.  Webb Management Services is considered the foremost consultant in…