Westchester – All Otsego




This Week 03-03-22

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta March 3, 2022 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE Restaurants, liquor stores await Albany decision on drinks to go Intrepid ice fisherman shares tools & tricks Inside The Paper Oneonta Middle School student prepped supply-filled backpacks for homeless St. Mary’s Church in Cooperstown starts Lenten Food Drive New York’s big political parties back slates but primaries loom Bassett, Nurses reach bonus accord Westchester group sparks GoFundMe effort to save Cooper murals…


This week 02-10-22

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta February 10, 2022 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE Cooperstown Central plots anti-racism strategy, addresses complaints Doubleday renovations on track for June finish Inside The Paper State says ‘no’ to gifting pot Not a day over 27 Fate of James Fenimore Cooper murals rests with Westchester school board Glimmerglass Festival names three ‘Honorary Life Trustees’ Cooperstown costume pro voting on top film awards Perspectives Editorial District Attorney right on bail, discovery…


Fenimore Cooper murals center of Westchester controversy

Fate of James Fenimore Cooper murals rests with Westchester school board Officials in a Westchester County high school say time is running out in a debate over the fate of eight murals depicting scenes from James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking novels that could be covered to make way for new learning space in the building. Fenimore Art Museum President Paul D’Ambrosio told The Freeman’s Journal / Hometown Oneonta the gallery is a potential home for the paintings on the walls of…