Woman in critical condition – All Otsego


Woman in critical condition


Lettis Highway Accident Victim Identified

Lettis Highway Accident Victim Identified, In ICU ONEONTA – Oneonta Police have identified the woman struck by a car last night on the Lettis Highway as April Johnson, 32, Oneonta. Johnson allegedly crossed the highway in an area not marked for pedestrians and was struck by a car driven by David Shafer, 41, Otsego. She was taken by ambulance to Fox Hospital and transferred to Albany Medical Center, where she was admitted to the intensive care unit.…


Oneonta Woman In Critical Condition After Being Struck By Car

Oneonta Woman In Critical Condition After Lettis Accident By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – An Oneonta woman is in critical condition at Fox Hospital after she was struck by a car on the Lettis Highway earlier this evening. According to Police Chief Doug Brenner, an Oneonta woman was walking with a friend when she allegedly crossed the James F. Lettis Highway approximately 100 yards from the intersection of Main Street. “The area is not marked for pedestrians…