zoning code – All Otsego


zoning code


Zoning Code OK’d To Divide Houses Into Apartments

DETAILS IN THIS WEEK’S JOURNAL Zoning Code OK’d To Divide Houses Into Apartments Dean Votes Nay In Split Vote By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – After a 90-minute public hearing this evening, the Village Board voted, with one nay vote, to approve a zoning code that would create more housing by easing the conversion of single-family homes into apartments. The sole nay vote was Trustee Jim Dean, wh0 said, “I don’t know the answer” to creating more…


Public Hearing Tonight On Village Zoning Code

Last Month, Dorm Provision Removed Public Hearing Tonight On Village Zoning Code COOPERSTOWN – A second public hearing on the village’s proposed revised zoning code is at 7 this evening in Village Hall, 22 Main St., during the trustees’ monthly meeting.  A vote could take place after the hearing. The first hearing was Oct. 25, when, due to community input, a provision was removed that would allow homes to be converted into dormitories. If there is no vote this evening, it…


Cooperstown Trustees Retreat On Dorm Zoning

VOTE ON CODE DELAYED A MONTH Cooperstown Trustees Retreat On Dorm Zoning By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Dormitories are out. Facing citizen pushback, the Cooperstown Village Board voted Monday, Oct. 28 to remove the dormitories – defined as six or more bedrooms that share a common kitchen and living spaces – from “special use” consideration in residential districts, and moved from permitted to special use in commercial districts. The change came at the end of 40 minutes…


Citizens, Go To Monday’s Public Hearing, Ask Board To Delay Zoning Code Vote

AllOTSEGO.com MINI-EDITORIAL Citizens, Go To Monday’s Public Hearing, Ask Board To Delay Zoning-Code Vote The Cooperstown Village Board has scheduled a public hearing at 7 p.m. Monday night – that’s tomorrow, Oct. 28 – on the proposed zoning code revisions. Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh said, “The law may or may not be adopted on Monday, depending on public input and trustee decision.” It’s too soon.  Cooperstown residents should show up and say so. The zoning code has broad implications for the…


Richfield’s Disputed Zoning Gets Final Hearing Tonight

Question: Will Board Vote Before Election? Richfield’s Disputed Zoning Gets Final Hearing Tonight RICHFIELD SPRINGS – The Town of Richfield’s disputed proposed zoning code – opponents of it say the process was taken captive by Monticello Wind Farms’ opponents – will go to a final public hearing at 7 p.m. this evening in the RSCS school cafeteria. Wind farm foes now control the town board, but may not after the Nov. 5 elections, when Town Supervisor Paul Palumbo will retire…