Behind the Scenes of the Making of ‘Jaws’

THEATER—8 p.m. “The Shark is Broken.” Presented by Bigger Dreams Productions. Tickets required. Also showing 2/1 and at 3 p.m. on 2/2. Then showing at 8 p.m. on 2/7, 2/8 and at 3 p.m. on 2/9. Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-5407 or https://www.foothillspac.org/
Check out what’s happening for the Cooperstown Winter Carnival at: https://www.cooperstownwintercarnival.com/friday
LIBRARY—10 a.m. “Coffee & Puzzles.” Each Friday. Harris Memorial Library, 334 Main Street, Otego. (607) 988-6661 or visit https://www.facebook.com/harrislibrary/
SENIOR COFFEE HOUR—10 a.m. Coffee, tea, pastries, games, puzzles, special events and good conversation. Held each Friday. Kinney Memorial Library, 3140 County Highway 11 Hartwick. (607) 293-6600 or https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064331334318
BLOOD DRIVE—10:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cooperstown High School, 39 Linden Avenue, Cooperstown. RedCrossBlood.org
YOUTH—11 a.m. “Pre-K Storytime with Mary.” Free program to engage children with songs, stories, activities, more. Held each Friday. The Arkell Museum and Canajoharie Library, 2 Erie Boulevard, Canajoharie. (518) 673-2314 ext. 106 or https://www.canajoharielibrary.org/
SENIOR MEALS—11:30 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a delicious meal Monday-Friday. Suggested donation is $4 for seniors, $10.60 for guests accompanying a senior. Today, enjoy a lunch of pineapple pepper pork, rice, Japanese-blend vegetables and oatmeal raisin cookies. (607) 547-6454 or https://www.otsegocounty.com/departments/office_for_the_aging/index.php
LIBRARY—Noon. “Stories Come Alive.” Reading for children aged pre-K through third grade. Must be accompanied by a caregiver. Themed craft available after the story. Homeschoolers welcome. Held each Friday. Richfield Springs Public Library, 102 West Main Street, Richfield Springs. (315) 858-0230 or https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064602523166
LIBRARY—1 p.m. “Homeschool Hangout.” Let’s get creative! We’ll build, draw and create. Recommended for ages 5-18. Held each Friday. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or https://hmloneonta.org/youth-programs/
POTTERY—1:30-4:30 p.m. Open Studio. Experienced potters are invited to work on personal projects and hone their skills. No instruction provided. $30/session. Held Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and 6-9 p.m. on Thursday. The Smithy Clay Studio, 1 Otsego Court, Cooperstown. Gallery@SmithyArts.org or visit https://www.smithyarts.org/
SKATING—3-7 p.m. Mixed use. Badger Park, Cooperstown. (607) 547-2411 or https://www.facebook.com/CooperstownFriendsoftheParks
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