Letter from Mary Tingley
Grow Up, Oneontans
The latest drama in the continuing saga of 27 Market Street and Rehabilitation Support Services was laid out in your March 13 piece. I was struck by the defensive reaction by the mayor, imploring the council to “step outside the comfort zone of shared opinion.”
It occurred to me that if such opinions about RSS are truly shared, then are they not valid? I read the complete letter to RSS and, if you get past the accusations, found the six questions directly asked of them quite legitimate and should have been asked and answered long ago.
If the parties could get beyond their wounded egos and focus on answering the stakeholders’ questions without having to resort to the Freedom of Information Act, we’d all be better informed.
I have still not made up my own mind about RSS, but this childish behavior from all sides doesn’t help me decide.
Please, someone be the adult in the room. We deserve better.
Mary Tingley