Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal – All Otsego

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Trustees Hear Housing
Development Proposal

Cooperstown’s Board of Trustees heard the summary of a zoning application by Templeton Foundation on behalf of Bassett Healthcare from Joseph Piraino and Scott Freeman of Keplinger Freeman Associates, a landscape architectural and land planning firm based in East Syracuse, during their monthly meeting on November 28. Templeton Foundation representatives Kendra Beers-Capraro and Bob Zaleski were also present and gave information on the proposed housing development.

Surveys were completed amongst hospital staff to decide which mix of housing would most accurately fulfill employee needs.

Bassett’s application detailed a 57-acre, 36-unit development divided between a 24-unit apartment building and 12 townhomes to be located on Averill Road. Enclosed within a tree buffer, the site would include 75 parking spots, hydrants for fire protection, a community room and fitness center, and a new water tower. The water tower, designers explained, would supplement the village, and require an easement agreement to be constructed. Each unit would have handicap accessible first floors, no bright colors and, most likely, utilize a propane heating system. There was also discussion of the proposed area’s stormwater plan. Given Bassett’s commitment to green energy, surveys and studies will be completed to examine the most feasible methods of reducing the development’s carbon footprint, according to Beers-Capraro.

The site is zoned as R1, a designation reserved for single-family homes, and is allowable through special permit by the Board of Trustees, meaning no variance or subdivision is needed for the project to proceed. Mayor Tillapaugh noted the area’s shortage of healthcare professionals, to which Beers-Capraro stated that this proposal represents Phase I and may lead to a Phase II at some point for more Bassett housing development.

After recommending some minor changes, the Board of Trustees passed a motion to send the project and related materials to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Otsego County Board of Health, the Village of Cooperstown’s Zoning Board of Appeals, Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board, and Planning Board for review. The Board of Trustees will host a Public Hearing on the proposed Averill Road housing project on January 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.



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