Trustees Will See Plan
To Allow More Housing
Within Village Limits
NY Pizza Parking, The Grove Apartments
Also On Village Board’s Agenda Tonight
COOPERSTOWN – A proposed revision to the Zoning Law that will allow two-family and apartment houses throughout the Village of Cooperstown will be presented to trustees for the first time tonight.
Also under discussion at the meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m at Village Hall, 22 Main St., will be a parking plan for New York Pizzeria at Elm and Main, and Josh Edmonds’ 12-apartment house, The Grove, proposed for 10 Chestnut St.
The zoning proposal, prepared by a special committee meeting twice monthly over the past year, has reduced the number of residential district from four to three as – with the population dropping from 1,852 to 1,762 since the 2010 Census – village leaders seeking to increase the year-’round population.
In R-3, the least restrictive district, two-family homes and apartments will be allowed, according to Trustee Cindy Falk, who chaired the committee. In more restrictive R-1 and R-2, they will also be allowed, but only after obtaining a “special permit,” a more rigorous process, she said.
No action is planned this evening on the new zoning, Falk said. The plan will be referred to the village Planning Board and county Planning Department for review and inputs.
The trustee said a public information meeting on the changes will be scheduled for August, or maybe September, followed by a more formal public hearing before a vote.