Otego School Sale
Possible In 2 Weeks

By PARKER FISH – Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com

OTEGO – At its first public meeting since the June 30 deadline for RFPs, the Unatego Central school board last night agreed in front of a packed crowd to hold a public hearing on three perspective buyers for the former Otego Elementary School building at 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 30.
The school board may choose a buyer that evening.
Each applicant will be given 15 minutes to discuss their plans for the building. Each presentation will be followed by 15 minutes of questions from the public before voting.
After initially sending out a request for proposals, the board received three proposals for the building from:
• The Kildonan School for Dyslexic Students in Amenia, Dutchess County, seeking to open a second campus here.
• LPP Management of South New Berlin, looking to create senior citizen housing and a community center
• Two Plus Four Companies, Syracuse, also interested in creating housing for residents 55 and up. Pictured at right, Kimberly More, representing The Kildonan School, explained to residents how the school could help save millions in taxpayer dollars within the district after only a few years.