UUVA Plant Sale Is Saturday – All Otsego

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UUVA Plant Sale Is Saturday

WEST WINFIELD—On Saturday, May 18, the Upper Unadilla Valley Association will host its annual plant sale, featuring locally-grown perennials at reasonable prices. The event runs from 10 a.m. to noon at the Town of Winfield Park, just off state Route 20 in the Village of West Winfield.

The sale will feature dozens of perennial varieties donated by local gardeners, with prices ranging from $3.00 to $5.00 per pot. Ambrosia Farms of West Edmeston will also sell its organically grown, open-pollinated heirloom vegetables and herbs, with a portion of proceeds to benefit UUVA.  

No plants will be sold before the 10 a.m. starting time, officials cautioned in a press release. Coffee and donuts also will be available for purchase.

A Duck Derby, in which the winner receives half of the proceeds raised from ticket sales, will be held at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $3.00 per duck or two ducks for $5.00, and are available at the event or in advance from association directors. Call (315) 855-4368 for the name of the director nearest you. 

The non-profit Upper Unadilla Valley Association, founded in 1969, works to preserve, protect, and highlight the Upper Unadilla Valley’s natural and historic resources.  That region includes West Winfield, Bridgewater, Unadilla Forks, Leonardsville, West Edmeston and surrounding vicinities. 

Proceeds from the plant and garden fair, held on the third Saturday each May, help fund the following: 

  • A scholarship for a graduating Mount Markham Central School District senior;
  • A summer tour or event showcasing the region’s positive attributes, such as farms, businesses, gardens, art, nature and historic homes; and 
  • A fall banquet featuring a presentation which ties in with the year’s summer event or an alternative subject related to the group’s mission. 

As the need arises, proceeds also help with efforts for historical preservation or to protect against regional environmental threats. To learn more about the Upper Unadilla Valley Association, visit uuva.org.


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