Village Awaits DOS Finalization of LPC – All Otsego

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Village Awaits DOS
Finalization of LPC

Strategic Investment Plan Follows Selection of Committee Members


The next seven to 10 months will be busy ones for the Village of Cooperstown, as officials work with the Department of State to identify projects that will be funded by a $4.5 million NY Forward grant. The award was announced on Thursday, March 2 during a special press conference held at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

According to the Village of Cooperstown website, the award implementation process begins with the development of a Strategic Investment Plan to develop and revitalize the village’s downtown. That plan will be the responsibility of a DOS-approved Local Planning Committee.

“The state will select a Local Planning Committee made up of community leaders and other stakeholders to lead these efforts, supported by a team of private sector experts and state planners,” the website reads. “The Strategic Investment Plan will examine local assets and opportunities to identify projects that align with each community’s vision and that are poised for implementation.”

According to Cooperstown Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh, the DOS is currently working to finalize the Local Planning Committee.

“This process is very supported and guided by the DOS,” Tillapaugh explained. “Some names for the LPC were put forward in the Intent to Apply completed prior to the grant application. However, the DOS will more than likely suggest additional names and ultimately make the final decision. We are looking forward to their announcement.”

According to the original NY Forward application, possible LPC members included individuals who were instrumental in the creation of the application as well as those representing village government, Main Street businesses, arts and business organizations, non-profits, the Baseball Hall of Fame, Bassett Hospital, and the tourism industry.

“They will be augmented by other stakeholders as needed, all assisted by consultants and state planners,” the application reads.

Projects selected from the Strategic Investment Plan that are deemed to have the greatest potential to jumpstart revitalization and generate new opportunities for long-term growth will be funded by the NY Forward monies. A number of possible rehabilitation, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse projects have already been identified in the Village of Cooperstown’s NY Forward application.

Business and economic development priorities identified are to: create a vibrant atmosphere with outdoor dining, public art, music, and entertainment; market the village to attract and recruit businesses; and to market the village as a year-round destination for tourists. One possible funding initiative would be to provide grants and/or low-interest loans to support and improve Main Street facades and signage upgrades for underutilized buildings in key locations.

The village also seeks to encourage a mix of year-round housing types in a variety of price ranges—including rental housing options—to meet the needs of a wide range of village residents, among them families, seniors and the workforce. The creation of more workforce housing has been identified as a particular priority, and village officials proposed a funding initiative to assist the development of the upper floors on Main Street buildings to serve as housing spaces by providing funding to building owners to meet necessary safety upgrades.

Accessibility was also addressed in the village’s NY Forward application. In order to promote cultural diversity, improve handicap accessibility in the village, and improve sidewalk accessibility, village officials would seek to provide grants and low-interest loans to businesses, non-profits, and other organizations with a public benefit in order to improve physical access to historic buildings. This would be accomplished through the installation of ramps, widened entranceways, lifts, and elevators in conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation.

Arts and culture are considered by village officials to be integral to the revitalization of Cooperstown’s downtown as well. They seek to continue to provide and expand opportunities to create a vibrant Main Street atmosphere—with outdoor dining, public art, and activities such as music and entertainment in public spaces—as well as to develop a program to make unoccupied/seasonal storefronts active and more appealing through the installation of public art and other strategies. Funding to non-profit organizations to further the development of art institutions and installations within the NY Forward project area is proposed.

Possible public improvement projects outlined in the Village of Cooperstown’s NY Forward application include enhancing Pioneer Alley access to the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market and as a connector to Doubleday Field; providing a safe route for pedestrians from Main Street and Chestnut Street to Doubleday Field; the marketing of Doubleday Field as a baseball and multi-use event venue; and further highlighting the viewshed and increasing access to Lakefront Park from Main Street.

According to Mayor Tillapaugh, interested individuals can check the NY Forward drop down menu on the village website,, for updates and further information. A link to the complete NY Forward application can be found there as well.


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