Village, Candidate Take Steps
To Boost Election Day Safety

COOPERSTOWN – To reassure citizens of the safety of voting in Wednesday’s village elections, hand sanitizers will be available at the fire hall for election staffer and voters, Village Hall announced. Polls will be open noon-9 p.m.
Additionally, trustee candidate Mary Margaret Robbins Sohns has announced her campaign will set up a kiosk in the parking lot across Chestnut Street from the fire hall. Volunteers will provide to hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and other necessary items to allow people to vote with confidence in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic.
The Village Hall release said there will also be routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces at the fire hall with products found effective against the virus and recommended by the CDC.
Voters should be aware that the markers provided at the polling site are the only ones that may be used to mark ballots. They are provided by Otsego County Board of Elections and are specific for use with the voting machines. Other markers would cause damage to the voting machines.
Anyone needing an absentee ballot may obtain one until 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Village Hall. They are not available Electionn Day.
Anyone with questions or in need for further information should contact Teri Barown, Village Administrator at (607) 547-2411.