Cooperstown Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh and her husband Gary Kuch are doing what she is encouraging her constituents to do: Wear face masks and, if necessary, make them. And she has the selfie to prove it. The mayor said she went to Bassett Healthcare’s site to see a face-mask pattern posted there; she was further assisted by a video posted there. President Trump Friday encouraged Americans to wear face masks, although he said he doesn’t intend to do so himself. While the masks aren’t believed to helper the wear, they do limit how much the wearer breaths on other people, thereby limiting the spread of coronavirus.
COLUMN VIEW FROM THE GAME It’s All We Need To Know: Home Plate 17 Inches Wide Editor’s Note: Tim Mead, incoming Baseball Hall of Fame president, cited John Scolinos, baseball coach at his alma mater, Cal Poly Pomona, as a lifelong inspiration, particularly Scolinos’ famous speech “17 Inches.” Chris Sperry, who published, heard Scolinos deliver a version in 1996 at the American Baseball Coaches Association in Nashville, and wrote this reminiscence in 1996 in his “Baseball Thoughts” column. By CHRIS SPERRY • from In 1996, Coach Scolinos was 78 years old and five years retired from a college coaching…
Earlier this month, a press release from Glimmerglass State Park announced Otsego Lake’s first toxic algae bloom of 2023. Though it soon proved to be a false alarm, it sent a ripple of anxiety through the surrounding community.…
1,000 THANKS! Piper Seamon 5th CCS Girl To Hit High Mark The Cooperstown Central student section erupts as Piper Seamon scores her 1,000th career point in the Hawkeyes’ 57-39 win over Waterville at home last evening. Seamon becomes the fifth girl and only the 14th player in school history overall to score 1,000 points. Inset at right, Pipershares a hug with teammate Meagan Schuermann after the game was stopped to acknowledge her achievement. Seamon will play basketball next year at Hamilton College. (Cheryl Clough/ …
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