Welch: Waterproof Beacons Should Replace Flares – All Otsego

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Letter from Gerry Welch

Waterproof Beacons Should Replace Flares

I own and operate a boat rental business in New York State. I went to check the expiration date on my flares to make sure my equipment was up to date. Even though I’ve been around boats most of my life, I have never needed to light a single flare. As it turned out, my flares were outdated, so I decided to see if they were still good. It actually took more time than I expected to figure out how to light one of them. After lighting the first flare I was surprised just how dangerous flares are! Because of cost, short duration, reliability and danger, I believe fire flares should.be discontinued. I suggest waterproof electric beacons with optional siren would be safer and more reliable.

Gerry Welch


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