Why Did Leaf Pickup Break Down This Fall?
Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 4-5, 2014
To the Editor:
In talking with friends and neighbors this fall, every one of them commented on what a poor job the village has done in picking up leaves this year. Comments ranged from “just plain terrible; very disorganized” to “it was poorly managed and haphazard!”
At three homes across the street from my house there were five piles of leaves that just sat there for over a month. I became so disgusted that I picked up and discarded all my leaves myself. Then, when it snowed, the village plowed the street and left a big pile of leaves on my curbside lawn.
One friend of mine has done some research on the number of employees working for the Village of Cooperstown compared to the other villages of the same size in Upstate New York. Cooperstown has more employees than every one of the villages in comparison and our village taxes are higher!
Cooperstown’s administration looks more and more like the way the federal government does things. Yes, bureaucracy is here.