Willis Monie Books Announces Fair Date – All Otsego

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Willis Monie Books Announces Fair Date


Book lovers, get ready, because the annual Antiquarian Book Fair is coming back to Cooperstown. Hosted by Willis Monie Books, this event has been taking place for the last three decades. This year, it will happen on Saturday, June 29 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Clark Sports Center.

Cost of entry is $5.00 per person, and all proceeds will go toward the Cooperstown Foundation for Excellence in Education, the purpose of which is to assist in the betterment and channeling of resources for the Cooperstown Central School District.

“Entrance fees have gone to [the CFEE] for the past several years,” said Emily Pernat, an employee at Willis Monie. “We will continue to work with them for the foreseeable future.”

“So far we have over 20 book sellers, a couple authors and, new to the event, some local historical societies participating this year,” a press release from Willis Monie Books announced.

The Fly Creek Historical Society will be in attendance, as well as Jim Loudon, an Oneonta local who has written several books on local railroad history.

Guests can expect vendors who carry everything from children’s books, sports novels, first editions, postcards, maps, and other merchandise. There is even a vendor bringing vinyl records. Looking for something specific? The vendor list is online for customers to browse and reach out ahead of time to inquire about special orders.

True to form, the crew at Willis Monie Books have an interest in reading as diverse as they are.

“Willis Monie Jr. reads a lot of mystery/thrillers, like Lee Child and Harlan Coban, as well as local history,” said Pernat. “I read fantasy and pre-1900 biographies. Another employee reads fantasy, World War II and natural history. Will Sr. reads fiction (especially authors like Jane Austen) and mysteries, as well as American history.”

The Clark Sports Center is located at 124 County Route 52 in Cooperstown. For a full list of vendors and what they carry, visit https://www.wearecooperstown.com/events/the-antiquarian-book-fair/.


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