Woodland Cycles Purchases Mt. Otsego Rental Equipment – All Otsego

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Woodland Cycles Purchases Mt. Otsego Rental Equipment

MILFORD—Mike Reynolds, owner of Milford’s Woodland Cycles LLC, announced that he has purchased the new and used rental equipment from the Mt. Otsego Ski Shop. All of Mt. Otsego’s snowshoe and ski rentals will be available at Woodland Cycles’ building at 24 South Main Street in Milford.

“Hearing that [Mt. Otsego was] closing permanently this season, I felt this was a good opportunity to continue making winter rentals an option in the Otsego County area,” Reynolds said in an e-mail on Monday, December 4. “This will hopefully keep people enjoying the outdoors year round. With the bike shop and now winter activities being represented, I would like to help outdoor tourism grow in the area in all seasons. Otsego County has the potential to be something extremely special, even more so than it already is.”

Reynolds said he acquired about 20 pairs of snowshoes and 40 pairs of cross-country skis, including boots and poles, in the transaction. He does not plan to offer service or tune-ups for the winter sporting equipment.

Woodland Cycles is a full-service shop offering equipment, maintenance, and information on local routes, cycling groups, and events. Reynolds has more than 20 years of professional experience in the cycling world. For more information, visit www.woodlandcycles.com.


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