‘You Have Arrived’ Signs
Welcome You To Hartwick

HARTWICK – As drivers have been noticing, the Town of Hartwick has posted 12 “You Have Arrived” signs at entry points to the community and its hamlets.
The signs are been raised entering the Route 28 business district, near Toddsville (Historic Mill Village), Hartwick Seminary (Home of the first Lutheran Seminary in America), and at the Hamlet of Hartwick at Routes 205 and 11. The maroon colored detail dates back to the original “Hartwick Huskies” school colors.
The signs grew out of a collaboration between the town board, the highway department and the Hartwick Historical Society. The project, from planning to installation, took many months but is now complete, Town Clerk Andrea Vasquez reports.
In addition to being Otsego County’s fastest growing, it is centrally located and criss-crossed daily by thousands of drivers, from commuters to tourists.
The signs are a first step in the enhancement of the town, with more forthcoming, Vasquez said.